Exhibition of Works
This page shows all the academic works, including degree theses, lecture notes, opinions & thoughts, and other regular academic contributions. For recent news and posts, visit News & Posts. Comments are welcomed.
Degree Theses

Gauge Gravity Duality
General review on the Gauge Gravity Duality and its application to holographic entanglement entropy.

Tensor Networks
Symmetric infinite Projected-Entangled Pair State (iPEPS) study of two-dimensional quantum lattice models.
Lecture Notes

Path Integral Project
This project is a didactic introduction towards rigorous Quantum Field Theory under path integral formalism.

Nuclear and Particle Physics
This is a lecture note on PHYS30121 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics at the University of Manchester.
Opinions & Thoughts

Constructive Physics
Constructive Physics Project, an attempt to construct gauge field theories under mathematical perspectives.

Structure of Physics
This article elaborates the construction of fundamental theory of Physics based solely on requirements on self-consistency.
Regular Works
Frustration & Superconductivity in the Hubbard Model
This research utilizes the infinite Projected Entangled-Pair State tensor network to investigate the frustration induced superconductivity in the electron- and hole-doped Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit.
Talk on Heavy Fermion Superconductivity
This is a talk given in seminar
Construction of Topological Quantum Computation
This is a talk given in seminar
Talk on Magic-angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
This is a talk given in seminar
Algebraic and Analytical Structures in Physics
This article studies the algebraic and analytical structures in Quantum Physics. We argued that it is the algebraic structure that provides the validity of a theory. This explains why Quantum Field Theory works without a mathematical basis.
Quadratic Lagrangian and Spin-statistics Connection
This article provides a derivation of spin-statistics connection from the quadratic form of Lagrangian. It is particularly useful when micro-causality is not available, e.g. in Quantum Gravity where spacetime background may be dynamical.
Measurement of Compton Cross Section
This is the lab report on the measurement of the differential cross section of Compton scattering. It is found that the Klein-Nishina formula provided by Quantum Electrodynamics fits accurately with the measurement result.
Report on Haskell in Scientific Computation
This report analyse the possibility of invoking lazy evaluation scheme in Haskell to scientific computation. The efficiency of Schrodinger equation solvers in C, Haskell and Python are investigated and Haskell provides appealing outcomes.
Schrodinger Equation Solver in Haskell
This is a Haskell program aimed at solving time-dependent 1D Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta method. This program can be at most twice as fast as its Python companion without much loss of readability and extendibility.
Report on U(1) Gauge Field Theory
This is a report given in an Electromagnatism seminar concerning the Electromagnatic interaction described by a U(1) Gauge Field Theory. This report provides a sketch to construct gauge theory from fibre bundle.